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=Rafael's Random Thoughts=  
= Rafael Calsaverini =
This is a litle page I've made to help me organize some random thought's.
My library [ @Connotea] (under construction).
Página para organizar meus raciocínios aleatórios.
I'm a doctoral student in Physics, researching into new methods in economics derived from statistical physics and information theory.
I'm also an amateur guitarrist and an author for a pt-br collective blog on physics and general science named [  Ars Physica].
= Academic Curriculum =
== Education ==
* Doctoral Student in Physics in University of São Paulo
** Research:
** Statistical physics and information theoretical methods in economic analysis.
** Agent-based modelling in economics
* M. Sc. in Physics by the University of São Paulo at São Carlos, 2005 - 2007
** Thesis work: Intersubband spin-orbit coupling in quantum wells.
* B.S. in Physics by the University of São Paulo at São Carlos, 2000 - 2004
== Current Research Interests ==
* Machine Learning
* Gaussian processes
* Agent-based Modelling
* Improvement of neo-classical analysis from stat-physical considerations
* Statistical fluctuations around neo-classical results
== Publication List ==
# Calsaverini, R. S. ''et al'', Phys. Rev. B '''78''', 155313 (2008)
:* URL [  here]
:* Authors: Rafael S. Calsaverini, Esmerindo Bernardes, J. Carlos Egues and Daniel Loss

Edição das 22h23min de 7 de dezembro de 2008



Rafael Calsaverini

My library @Connotea (under construction).

I'm a doctoral student in Physics, researching into new methods in economics derived from statistical physics and information theory.

I'm also an amateur guitarrist and an author for a pt-br collective blog on physics and general science named Ars Physica.

Academic Curriculum


  • Doctoral Student in Physics in University of São Paulo
    • Research:
    • Statistical physics and information theoretical methods in economic analysis.
    • Agent-based modelling in economics
  • M. Sc. in Physics by the University of São Paulo at São Carlos, 2005 - 2007
    • Thesis work: Intersubband spin-orbit coupling in quantum wells.
  • B.S. in Physics by the University of São Paulo at São Carlos, 2000 - 2004

Current Research Interests

  • Machine Learning
  • Gaussian processes
  • Agent-based Modelling
  • Improvement of neo-classical analysis from stat-physical considerations
  • Statistical fluctuations around neo-classical results

Publication List

  1. Calsaverini, R. S. et al, Phys. Rev. B 78, 155313 (2008)
  • URL here
  • Authors: Rafael S. Calsaverini, Esmerindo Bernardes, J. Carlos Egues and Daniel Loss
Ferramentas pessoais
